Decision Table and Collapsed Decision Table
A decision table is a good way to deal with combinations of things (e.g. inputs). This technique is sometimes also referred to as a ’cause-effect’ table. How to Use decision tables for test designing? Technique followed for decision table testing are follows: Analyze the given test inputs or requirements an list out the various C onditions in the decision table. Calculate the number of possible combinations called Rules. Rules is usually calculated as 2 to the power of condition (2^condition). Fill columns of the decision table with all possible combinations (Rules) For each of the combination of values, find out the Action or Expected result . Let us consider an example to construct decision table: Q: For persons in the age group 16-65 (both inclusive) tax payment have to be calculated. A person earning less than £20,000 will pay 20% taxes, otherwise they pay 50% taxes. If the person has children he/she will receive a tax reduction of 10%. Let us first id...